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I know.. I know.. There seems to be an ensemble of sighs when we talk about testing but.... it's here whether we like it or not! This week we will be testing a couple days and then once next week. We try to spread it out so that it's not too much at one time and it gives us time to do make-ups as well. My biggest advice when it comes to testing it to just remain calm and know that it's all going to be okay :)

We work so hard to get these kids ready and all the preparation is for a few tests... that only last 2-3 days...

Make sure kids get PLENTY of rest -- we always try to test in the morning so they need to come in alert and ready to go

Always feed them a big, healthy breakfast. We sometimes start right away in the morning so we have to have snack after. Other times, we start mid-morning so they can have a snack before testing but it just depends on times so -- better safe than sorry.

Please know that we want kids to do their very best. I tell them that it's not always fun but it is a chance to show me, all teachers, parents, Mr. Schwartz, ANYONE a chance to shine. A chance to show them everything that you have learned. A chance to prove yourself and see your hard work pay off.

Also know that this testing does not define your child. I can say everything in this post to the opposite. They only get one chance to show what they know.. do we really trust that? We work so hard for 2-3 tests.. Does that give them the opportunity to show EVERYTHING that they've learned? Some students are just simply good test takers and they ... I don't know.. guess the right answers? Some students get severe anxiety and are completely capable but completely fail...

I know your child and love them all dearly.

I know what they are good at

I know what they are passionate about

I know what makes them laugh

I know what hurts their feelings

My desire this school year is that they leave here showing kindness and love to every single person that they meet.

My desire this school year is that students believe that there is good in the world and that they are going to make it even better.

My desire is that all kids show growth and show that no matter where they are at, according to some test, they are still valued and can contribute to the community around them.

This week.. we work hard and play hard. It's so fitting that the weather is turning around this week! The kids have been cooped inside and we have been reviewing until review comes out of our ears... After this week... and the next... and the next (IREAD) WE ARE FREE! Free to go back to our routine. Free to do more projects and apply everything that we have learned this year. Free to take the time to have an extra recess. And finally, I'll be free to teach whatever I want :)

So... tell your kids that everything is going to be alright. Tell them that you love them no matter how they do but you want them to work hard and show everyone what they are made of. Tell them that they are going to rock this test and that soon, very soon, it'll be done and over with!

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